"For now we are young let us lay in the sun and count every beautiful thing we can see" Neutral Milk Hotel.

Monday, 30 September 2019

Five saltmarsh beasties

Wormwood Case-bearer, Coleophora albicans, Holme Lavender Marsh, 30th September 2019

The Delphacid plant hopper Eurybregna nigrolineata, Holme Lavender Marsh (off Sea Wormwood), Holme 30th September 2019

Dicheirotrichus obsoletus, Holme Lavender Marsh, 30th September 2019

The Beetbug Parapiesma quadratum, Holme Lavender Marsh, 30th September 2019

Marram Pseudoscorpion, Dactylochelifer latreillei, Holme Lavender Marsh, 30th September 2019

Thursday, 19 September 2019

A Tachinid fly at Holme

I came across this fly Nowickia ferox in the pines at Holme Dunes today. I believe its larvae develop inside the Dark Arches moth.

Monday, 9 September 2019

Green Nightshade

Green Nightshade, Holme NWT, 9th September 2019

Chocolate Tip

Chocolate-tip Caterpillar on Grey Poplar, Holme NWT, 9th September 2019

Carline Neb

Carline Neb, Metzneria asticella, in flower head of Carline Thistle, Holme NWT, 9th September 2019

Parent Bugs

Parent Bug, late instar nymphs, Holme NWT, 9th September 2019

Twin-spot Centurion

Twin-spot Centurion, Sargus bipunctatus, female, Holme NWT, 9th September 2019

Three Bugs from Holme

The Leafhopper Viridicerus ustulatus, off Grey Poplar, Holme NWT, 9th September 2019

The Stiltbug Gampsocoris punctipes Holme NWT, off Restharrow, 9th September 2019

The Mirid Bug Dicyphus annulatus, Holme NWT, off Restharrow, 9th Septemebre 2019