"For now we are young let us lay in the sun and count every beautiful thing we can see" Neutral Milk Hotel.

Friday, 23 August 2019

Yellow Dodder on the 'Moon'

When I went to weed the 'Moon' Bed on the Upper Green in Hunstanton this afternoon I found Yellow Dodder Cuscuta campestris growing in the white lobelia in the 'Moon's Mouth'.
Yellow Dodder is an alien and a native of North America. In Britain it parasitizes a variety of cultivated plants including tomato and carrot as well as species of Medicago and Trifolium.  It was originally introduced into Europe with agricultural seed in about 1900. It has orange/yellow stems and clusters of small white/yellow flowers.

(I only had my mobile with me so no close-ups of the flowers.)

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Two pondweeds at Holme Dunes

I recently had a closer look at two of the pondweeds growing at Holme Dunes.

Potamogeton pectinatus Fennel Pondweed is found in the brackish ditch north of the West Field fence.  It is the only Potamogeton to be found in brackish ditches near the sea and can grow rapidly to choke the ditches.

When you pull a leaf off the stem the sheath and ligule come away with the leaf (resembling grasses).

Zannichellia palustris Horned Pondweed has recently been found growing in the Crater Pool ( It was previously recorded by Petch, Swann and Newton in 1982).  It can be found in still brackish water. Its fruits are a distinctive banana shape, appearing after the tiny flowers in the leaf-axils.

Two hoverflies at Ringstead Downs

There were lots of insects feeding on the flowers at the downs on our West Norfolk Group walk on Wednesday 15th August. Two individuals of the hornet-mimic Volucella zonaria were spotted feeding on knapweed and a lone Volucella pellucens, also on knapweed.

Monday, 5 August 2019

Three Hoverflies on Holme Marsh

Volucella zonaria, female, Holme Marsh, 3rd August 2019

 Eristalis intricarius, male, Holme Marsh, 3rd August 2019

 Helophilus hybridus, male, Holme Marsh, 3rd August 2019

Sunday, 4 August 2019

An amazing find by Joan Fox - the fifth clearwing for the patch

Six-belted Clearwing, Hunstanton, 4th August 2019

Off Patch: invertebrates at Dersingham Bog

Black Darter, male, Dersingham Bog, 4th August 2019

Sundew Plume, Dersingham Bog, 4th August 2019

Banded General, Stratiomys potamida, Dersingham Bog, 4th August 2019

Wasp Spider, Dersingham Bog, 4th August 2019