
Saturday, 19 April 2014

Saturday 19th April

Star bird of the day was a splendid adult Spoonbill which spent about 20 minutes preening on the pools in front the of the NWT hides before flying off west, from which direction it originally came. A Little Gull and up to about 30 Ruff were also on the pools amongst the summer-resident waders and wildfowl, whilst at the back of the marsh, the number of Whimbrel had increased to at least 4. At least one Ring Ouzel was still to be found amongst the Konick ponies on Holme Marsh.

Ringstead Downs offered shelter from the relentless east wind and the path-side Jack-by-the-Hedge and Ground Ivy was alive with flies, including numerous hoverfly species and by far the highest number of Dark-edged Bee-flies I've ever come across. A new Ladybird for the year was Cream-spot Ladybird, found resting on some Jack-by-the-Hedge. Many Orange Tips were on the wing, accompanied by Green-veined White, Comma and Peacock. Plants found new in flower included Brackish Water Crowfoot, Thyme, Cowslip and Buckshorn Plantain. The first Nettle Tap of the year was on the wing in the Downs and I managed to find my first ever Feathered Bright, whilst Robert and I found  a single Diamond Back moth on gorse in the Holme Marsh.

 Spoonbill, Holme NWT, 19th April 2014

Ruff, Holme NWT, 19th April 2014

Green-veined White, Holme NWT, 19th April 2014

Buckshorn Plantain, Holme NWT, 19th April 2014

Wall Speedwell, Holme NWT, 19th April 2014

Apple, Holme NWT, 19th April 2014

Nettle Tap, Ringstead Downs, 19th April 2014

Cream-spot Ladybird, Calvia 14-guttata,  Holme NWT, 19th April 2014

Cowslip, Ringstead Downs, 19th April 2014

Orange Tip female, Ringstead Downs, 19th April 2014

Feathered Bright, Incurvaria masculella, Ringstead Downs, 19th April 2014

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