
Saturday, 19 April 2014

Friday 18th April

A great day, during which I caught up with several spring migrants and species new in flower which I'd missed whilst on a week's holiday to the frozen north (of Yorkshire). The high tide roost at the west end held numerous waders and gulls and 2 Sandwich Terns, whilst the scrub held 5 Wheatears, a singing Willow Warbler, a singing Grasshopper Warbler and several singing Lesser Whitethroats. At least three Sedge Warblers were singing in the reeds and bankside vegetation along the River Hun, whilst a Whitethroat sang on Holme Marsh, where a lone Whimbrel accompanied about 10 Ruff and 5 Curlews in the horse fields and a female Ring Ouzel fed on the short turf amongst the Konick ponies. 2 further Ring Ouzels flew east at Gore Point at about 09:30hrs. Gary and I checked the moth traps at the NOA near lunch time and though the catch was meagre, the quality was high with a V-pug, 2 Early Thorns, a stunning Purple Thorn, a Streamer, Common Quaker and 2 Northern Drabs. The only new butterfly for me today was Green-veined White, of which I saw at least four. I also encountered Speckled Wood, Peacock, Small Tortoisehell, Comma, Small White and Orange Tip during the day.

Plants new in flower  (for me at least), were Hoary Cress, Sea Sandwort, English Scurvygrass, Apple, Thrift, Hybrid Poplar, White Poplar, Field Mouse-ear, Snow-in-Summer, Greater Stitchwort, Bluebell, Filed Forget-me-Not, Heath Dog Violet, Cornsalad, Greater Pond Sedge and Bur Chervil.

The first St. Marks's Fly was on the wing in Home Marsh.

Sea Sandwort, Holme NWT, 18th April 2014

Thrift, Holme NWT, 18th April 2014

English Scurvygrass,  Holme NWT, 18th April 2014

Hoary Cress, Holme NWT, 18th April 2014

Greater Stitchwort, Holme NWT, 18th April 2014

Mossy Stonecrop, Holme NWT, 18th April 2014

Hybrid Black Poplar, Holme NWT, 18th April 2014

Bur Chervil,  Holme NWT, 18th April 2014

Heath Dog-violet, Holme NWT, 18th April 2014

Bugloss, Holme NWT, 18th April 2014

Cornsalad, Holme NWT, 18th April 2014

Northern Drab,  Holme NOA, 18th April 2014

Purple Thorn, Holme NOA, 18th April 2014

St. Mark's Fly, Holme NWT, 18th April 2014

Greater Pond Sedge, Redwell Marsh, 18th April 2014

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