
Saturday 11 April 2015

Abundant Butterflies

As yesterday, Friday 10th April, was such a sunny, warm day I decided to walk my butterfly transect at Ringstead Downs. As the farm track from Hunstanton is presently closed I entered the downs from the Ringstead village end. I knew I had chosen a good day as soon as I started walking along the path. At this east end of the downs I counted 22 individual butterflies.  Once inside the reserve at the west end I walked my transect route and counted another 20 butterflies.  My totals for the afternoon were:-
  Peacock  18,  Small Tortoiseshell  8,  Comma  6,  Brimstone  5,  Small White  4,  Orange Tip  1
The butterflies were making the most of a temperature of 20 degrees and sunny, sheltered locations.
The 3 White Park cattle currently in the reserve were also enjoying the good weather.  The south-facing slopes were covered in flowers of Ground-ivy and the Ash trees were just coming into flower.

Two of the Commas

A Small White feeding on Ground-ivy
The Orange Tip (though looking more like yellow tip!)

Ash just coming into flower
The 3 White Park cattle

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