
Sunday, 1 November 2015

The week's vis. mig. data for the cliffs

              Wednesday 28 October 2015

          Counting period: 06:36 - 08:36
          Count type: coastal vismig (landbased birds only)
          Weather: wind SSE2, cloud-cover 8/8
          Observers: Andy Brown, Chris Mills, Robert Smith, John Baker and Richard Belter

          Wigeon  34  -  alba wagtail sp.  5  -  Brambling  22  -  
          Pintail  2  -  Fieldfare  4  -  Greenfinch  16  -  
          Lapwing  264  -  Redwing  10  -  Goldfinch  1  -  
          Woodpigeon  96  -  Jackdaw  17  -  Siskin  4  -  
          Skylark  9  -  Carrion Crow  1  -  Linnet  3  -  
          Meadow Pipit  11  -  Starling  36536  -  Yellowhammer  2  -  
          Rock Pipit  1  -  Chaffinch  241  -  Reed Bunting  4  -  

          Totals: 37283 individuals, 21 species, 2:00 hours

          Bold = Remarkable observation (scarce or rare species or large number)
          Comments: An escaped vasa parrot was also noted!

          Thursday 29 October 2015

        Counting period: 06:36 - 08:36
        Count type: coastal vismig (landbased birds only)
        Weather: wind SSE2, cloud-cover 1/8
        Observers: Andy Brown, Gary Hibberd, Chris Mills, Robert Smith, Hilary Shipton, John Baker and Richard Belter

        Great Crested Grebe  2  -  Meadow Pipit  15  -  Starling  12172  -  
        Wigeon  25  -  Grey Wagtail  2  -  Chaffinch  389  -  
        Common Scoter  50  -  alba wagtail sp.  1  -  Brambling  8  -  
        Goldeneye  2  -  Fieldfare  1  -  Greenfinch  33  -  
        Golden Plover  3  -  Redwing  22  -  Goldfinch  5  -  
        Lapwing  1021  -  Mistle Thrush  1  -  Siskin  30  -  
        Woodpigeon  3  -  Great Tit  1  -  Linnet  12  -  
        Collared Dove  3  -  Jackdaw  36  -  redpoll sp.  1  -  
        Skylark  38  -  Rook  3  -  Reed Bunting  1  -  

        Totals: 13880 individuals, 27 species, 2:00 hours

        Bold = Remarkable observation (scarce or rare species or large number)

        Friday 30 October 2015

      Counting period: 06:45 - 07:45
      Weather: wind SSE3, cloud-cover 8/8, temperature 11 ℃
      Observers: Andy Brown

      Woodpigeon  24  -    
      Rock Pipit  1  -    
      Starling  4980  -    
      Chaffinch  19  -    
      Brambling  3  -    
      Goldfinch  1  -    

      Totals: 5028 individuals, 6 species, 1:00 hours

      Bold = Remarkable observation (scarce or rare species or large number)
      Comments: Very quiet and then rain after an hour - so I left !

      Saturday 31 October 2015

    Counting period: 06:40 - 08:30
    Count type: coastal vismig (landbased birds only)
    Weather: wind SSE1, cloud-cover 8/8, visibility 1000m, temperature 11 ℃
    Observers: Gary Hibberd

    Grey Heron  5  -  Rock Pipit  2  1  Chaffinch  258  -  
    Lapwing  203  -  alba wagtail sp.  3  -  Brambling  2  -  
    Herring Gull  7  -  Blackbird  9  -  Greenfinch  13  -  
    Woodpigeon  6  -  Redwing  2  -  Siskin  4  -  
    Wood Lark  1  -  Mistle Thrush  1  -  Linnet  3  -  
    Skylark  28  -  Jackdaw  2  -  Reed Bunting  3  -  
    House Martin  -  1  Starling  12250  -    
    Meadow Pipit  24  1  House Sparrow  1  -    

    Totals: 12830 individuals, 22 species, 1:50 hours

    Bold = Remarkable observation (scarce or rare species or large number)

    Sunday 1 November 2015

Counting period: 06:55 - 07:55
Weather: wind South1, cloud-cover 2/8, temperature 8 ℃
Observers: Andy Brown

Mute Swan  1  -  Fieldfare  10  -  Greenfinch  14  -  
Snipe  1  -  Long-tailed Tit  12  -  Goldfinch  2  -  
Woodpigeon  130  -  Magpie  3  -  Siskin  4  -  
Skylark  2  -  Jackdaw  4  -  redpoll sp.  3  -  
Rock Pipit  2  -  Chaffinch  41  -    
Grey Wagtail  2  -  Brambling  2  -    

Totals: 233 individuals, 16 species, 1:00 hours

Bold = Remarkable observation (scarce or rare species or large number)
Comments: Fog delayed start and its re-appearance finished the session after an hour. Its also prevented specific ID of a Buzzard which flew low in off the sea......... 

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