
Sunday, 9 February 2014

Pied Wags galore!

A good mix of birds along the entrance track, c200 Curlew, c300 Golden Plover, c250 Lapwing with lots of Teal, Wigeon and a few Shoveler on the pools. We then stopped off again along the track for point blank views of a pair of Grey Partridge. We then headed for the shoreline for some seawatching but this was brief as we had c60 Snow Bunting fly along the shore. We marched off after them, eventually catching up with the flock towards Thornham point, we then had lovely views as they slowly tumbled along the dune edge towards us. After a circular walk back, we resumed our seawatching, c3500 Common Scoter were impressive in flight, if a little distant! Plenty of Great crested Grebe, plus a Kittiwake and a Goldeneye flew west, and 3-4 Red-breasted Merganser. 
We finished the day watching 4-5 Marsh Harriers and a Barn Owl hunting as the light faded. But perhaps most notable was a roost of around c25 Pied Wags, these have been hard to comedy until now on the reserve!

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