
Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Jack at last!

My intended birding got off to a slow start, stifled by around 2 hours of IT/email problems!

By lunch I was itching even more, as watched 9 Buzzard & a Marsh Harrier over Ringstead whilst demolishing a sandwich in the back garden! I eventually made it out, into a beautiful day of wall to wall sunshine and 10 degrees! I had already decided to don my wells I try a third time for the smaller snipe of the two, especially after bumping into Dave Holman who had managed twice to see them in a similar area to Andy's. 

The pr of Stonechat were back in their usual spot! I then reached some of the smaller pools & out shot 2 Snipe well before I got to them, another pool another single Snipe. I was about halfway to the bigger pools when I flushed another Snipe. Then another zig-zag across some shallower smaller pools and typically right from under my feet, the target bird, Jack Snipe, typically silent, the small size & short bill obvious,  it flew a short distance fairly low and dropped down. Hurrah!!

I enjoyed the walk back along the shore despite seeing little else of note, the sea notably very quiet save c20 Great Crested Grebe.

I had a bit of work to do, but headed back out again around 3.30pm, it was just too nicer day! I parked up by the pools just in case I could catch up with the Water Pipit, but no sign on this one. It was still a lovely end to the day, with an orange glowing sunset, shining over 300 Lapwing, 200 Golden Plover, c300 Pink-footed Geese, Wigeon, Teal, 6 Snipe, Bar-tailed Godwit, displaying Marsh harrier.

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