
Monday, 13 January 2014

Spring !

A stunning day with cloudless blue skies, bright sun and, at last, something that couldn't be described as a strong wind.

I headed out early for the Downs, where Great Spotted Woodpeckers drummed and the calls of various tits, Nuthatches, Chaffinches and Treecrepers rang out across the slopes. A Rook was new for the year, as was an unseasonable Chiffchaff, foraging amongst the Beech leaves on the woodland floor. Some Candlesnuff Fungi appeared fresh and the Lords and Ladies are fully 6 inches above the leaf littler now. I photographed my first snowdrop of the year.

I next headed to Green Bank and the arable fields on the ridge top and was met by total silence, so quickly moved onto the Holmhurst Track - now a mud bath thanks to the diversion of all coast path walkers onto what, until recently, has been a relatively unused and hidden track through the woods and onto across the grazing marshes.

I saw little of note other than two Bearded Tits at the Hun sluice  - my first of the year. The sea at Gore Point held many Great Crested Grebes and Red-throated Divers and in a short space of time I counted about 200 Lapwings moving low over the sea, westwards into The Wash. Before dark I paid a quick visit to Hunstanton promenade to check for colour-ringed Turnstones (one found) and then headed back for a spot of DIY and to chop some wood for a fire.

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