
Friday, 24 January 2014

GSWP & Stonechat at last

Guiding today but again Holme was a great place to start! Gore Point started well, with cracking views of Short-eared Owl hunting, also a rocket-fuelled female Peregrine tearing through the Wigeon, this massive female appeared as big as the Wigeon! We also witnessed the biggest arrival on the grazing marsh of Pink-fett this winter with around c10,000 Pink-feet on the marsh by 10am!!  Out on the sea 5-6 Red-throated Diver, Common Scoter & 10 Red-breasted Merganser.

There was a few Fieldfare again in the horse paddocks along with 6 Mistle thrush & c100 Curlew around the reserve. The Kingfisher was yet again showing very well (pic today below!), along with an obliging Cettis Warbler in front of the hide. Also here 6 Marsh Harriers & Bullfinch.
As we wandered back I at last could here the distinctive "chip, chip" of a Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Also after a tip off from a couple of visiting birders, a short walk out to the beach also added a pair of Stonechat, yee-haa , 2nd patch year tick of the day. Takes me to 119, sadly both not on my NMYL!

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