Saturday, 30 July 2016
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Monday, 25 July 2016
Monday Moths
Bright Bell, Eucosma hohenwartiana, Hunstanton, 25th July 2016
True Lover's Knot, Holme NWT, 25th July 2016
Sycamore Piercer, Pammene aurita, Holme NOA, 25th July 2016
Knotgrass, Holme NOA, 25th July 2016
Mere Wainscot, Holme NOA, 25th July 2016
Twin-spot Carpet, Holme NOA, 25th July 2016
Small Emerald, Holme NOA, 25th July 2016
Waste Grass-veneer, Pediasia contaminella, Holme NOA, 25th July 2016
Monday, 18 July 2016
Friday, 15 July 2016
Lemon Bell
Lemon Bell, Thiodia citrana, Hunstanton, 15th July 2016
A beauty, trapped by Joan Fox in Hunstanton and the first on the patch since 2013
Monday, 11 July 2016
Hawthorn Cosmet and Common Groundling
Common Groundling, Teleiodes vulgella, Redwell Marsh, 11th July 2016
Hawthorn Cosmet, Blastodacna hellerella, Redwell Marsh, 11th July 2016
Friday, 8 July 2016
More Redwell Soldiers: an Orange Legionairre and a Dark-winged Black
Dark-winged Black, Pachygaster atra, Redwell, 3rd July 2016
Orange Legionairre, Beris vallata, Redwell Marsh, 3rd July 2016
Orange Legionairre, Beris vallata, Redwell Marsh, 3rd July 2016
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Snouts out on the Marsh
Flecked Snout, Nemotelus binotatus, male, Lavender Marsh, Holme 26th June 2016
Barred Snout Nemotelus uliginosus male, Lavender Marsh, Holme 26th June 2016
Barred Snout Nemotelus uliginosus male, Lavender Marsh, Holme 26th June 2016
Summer Chafer
Summer Chafer, Amphimallon solstitiale, Old Hunstanton, 5th July 2016
At least 50 were circling above a veteran oak at the bottom of Old Hunstanton churchyard at dusk on 5th July. This is the first record of the species on the patch since 10th July 1926 - though doubtless they've been here all along !
This one was photographed on 4th July 2016 at Earlham Park, Norwich.
At least 50 were circling above a veteran oak at the bottom of Old Hunstanton churchyard at dusk on 5th July. This is the first record of the species on the patch since 10th July 1926 - though doubtless they've been here all along !
This one was photographed on 4th July 2016 at Earlham Park, Norwich.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
A stranger on the Ringstead Downs butterfly transect
A warm sunny day found many butterflies on the wing on my butterfly transect at Ringstead Downs today. A total of 115 butterflies ( 5 Small White, 1 Large White, 1 Comma, 1 Common Blue, 1 Large Skipper, 14 Small/Essex Skipper, 3 Gatekeeper, 26 Meadow Brown, 63 Ringlet).
Also on the transect was a stunning male Banded Demoiselle Calopteryx splendens soaking up the sun on a bramble leaf.
Also on the transect was a stunning male Banded Demoiselle Calopteryx splendens soaking up the sun on a bramble leaf.
Male Banded Demoiselle Calopteryx splendens
White Horehound at Ringstead Downs
I found 4 small plants of White Horehound Marrubium vulgare on the NW slope at Ringstead Downs today. I wasn't equipped to fight my way through nettles and thistles to check out other possible locations! There are lots of plants of Eyebright, Squinancywort and Large Thyme in flower. The Small Scabious plants on the NE slope are also starting to bloom, hopefully soon to be a nectar source for Chalkhill Blue butterflies. There are good numbers of Dropwort plants in the Downs this year.
White Horehound Marrubium vulgare
Monday, 4 July 2016
Conopid fly at Holme Marsh
Checking the ponies at Holme Marsh yesterday I was introduced to Sicus ferrugineus by Robert Smith. It won't win many beauty contests but it's still a menacing looking beast especially as it is a parasitoid of various bumblebee species. It was very fond of the recently emerging creeping thistle flowers. Returning from the ponies I managed a very lucky shot of it in flight, notice the way it's abdomen curls under itself.
Ummmmm wild parsnip
On 24th June took this photo of Chryotoxum festivum outside The Firs, closer inspection of photo revealed a stunning looking parasitic wasp Gasteruption assectator (top left of hoverfly). Wild parsnip and Fennel are two plants worth checking when flowering they have great insect pulling power.