Today's highlights included a patch 'first' (for several of us) in the form of a Nine-spined Stickleback Pungitius pungitius as well as another Polychaete Hediste diversicolor from the mussel scalps at Hunstanton and several still-to-be identified millipedes, woodlice and beetles, mainly form the base of Hunstanton Cliffs.
Nine-spined Stickleback Pungitius pungitius, Holme NWT, 23rd March 2015
As yet to be identified millipede, Hunstanton Cliffs, 23rd March 2015
Monday, 23 March 2015
Spring flowers and Geese
On Sunday tiny Common Whitlowgrass plants were flowering profusely in the dunes at Holme. Although there were lots of Springbeauty plants none were in flower. However, in Hunstanton there were a few large plants of Springbeauty flowering at the edge of a pavement in Sandringham Road.
While working at Holme Dunes last Thursday I spotted the 3 Bean Geese. They were rather distant but they seemed to have the rossicus bill pattern. They have been hanging around at Holme for about 3 weeks now.
Common Whitlowgrass Erophila verna in the dunes at Holme
Springbeauty Claytonia perfoliata in Hunstanton
Bean Geese at Holme Dunes
While working at Holme Dunes last Thursday I spotted the 3 Bean Geese. They were rather distant but they seemed to have the rossicus bill pattern. They have been hanging around at Holme for about 3 weeks now.
Common Whitlowgrass Erophila verna in the dunes at Holme
Springbeauty Claytonia perfoliata in Hunstanton
Bean Geese at Holme Dunes
Sunday, 22 March 2015
A Sunday 22nd March miscellany
After an extended WeBS session, Phil and I for plants new in flower (Lesser Chikeeed and Little Mouse-ear) then a search of the intertidal with Karla produced a great edible crab and 4 Polychaetes: Lugworm Arenicola marina, Cat Worm Nephtys cirrosa, Peacock Worm Sabella pavonina and Sand Mason Laniche conchilega. The NOA traps held Common Quaker, Dotted Border, Mottled Grey, 2 Oak Beauty a Grey Shoulder Knot, March Moth and a scarce micro-moth in the form of Acleris cristana.
Acleris cristana, Holme NOA, 22nd March 2015
Edible Crab Cancer pagurus, Holme NWT, 22nd March 2015
Alder, Holme NWT, 22nd March 2015
Saturday, 21 March 2015
Blonde Ray egg case on Hunstanton Beach
Blonde Ray (Raja brachyura) egg case, Old Hunstanton, 21st March 2015
This egg case is much larger than the far more abundant Spotted and Thornback ray cases - including the 'handles' it spans a hand.
Palaemonetes varians : the best prawn of 2015 (so far.........)
Palaemonetes varians, Holme NWT, 21st March 2015. This is a species of brackish to freshwaters and Robert found lots in the ditch along the edge of the North Field.
This shot shows the five dorsal and two ventral spines on the rostrum. Only one of the dorsal spines is posterior to the posterior edge of the eye.
Three more early-season moths
March Moth, Holme NOA, 21st March 2015
Oak Beauty, Holme NOA, 21st March 2015
Friday, 20 March 2015
Three early-season moths
Grey Shoulder-knot, Holme NOA, 15th March 2015
Mottled Grey, Holme NOA, 15th March 2015
Common Quaker, Holme NOA, 17th March 2015
The first lacewing of the year
Chrysoperla carnea, Holme NOA, 16th March 2015 - apparently the only British species to hibernate through the winter
If you're reading this you've survived the end of the world, again!
As well as the eclipse birding this morning turned up two Slavonian Grebes, 3 Greenshanks, Red Kite, male Hen Harrier and three Tundra Bean Geese.
Thursday, 12 March 2015
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
A butterfly, a fly and two bees!
While working in the Community Orchard in Hunstanton this morning I spotted my first butterfly of the year, a Small Tortoiseshell. It was busy feeding on the early flowers of the White Comfrey plants. This sighting, together with the beautiful sunny weather, prompted me to go and walk my butterfly transect at Ringstead Downs for the first time this year. Unfortunately I didn't see any butterflies there, although there were a few flies and bees around the floriferous Gorse. Sweet Violets were flowering well and a few flowers were beginning to appear on the Ground-ivy plants. Later, back home and doing a bit of gardening, a Tree Bumblebee was busy in the crocus flowers and a Honey Bee was also busy at work. I disturbed some Black Garden Ants and also, while repairing a water butt, found some Netted Slugs which proceeded to cover my hand with copious clear mucus!
Small Tortoiseshell on White Comfrey (Hunstanton Community Orchard)
Greenbottle Lucilla Caesar on Daisy (Hunstanton Community Orchard)
Tree Bumblebee Bombus hypnorum on Crocus (Hunstanton)
Honey Bee Apis mellifera on Ipheion uniflorum (Hunstanton)
Small Tortoiseshell on White Comfrey (Hunstanton Community Orchard)
Greenbottle Lucilla Caesar on Daisy (Hunstanton Community Orchard)
Tree Bumblebee Bombus hypnorum on Crocus (Hunstanton)
Honey Bee Apis mellifera on Ipheion uniflorum (Hunstanton)