
Monday, 30 June 2014

Invertebrates, 30th June 2014

Some nice moths in my Hunstanton trap and in the NOA traps this morning, whilst late morning to mid afternoon on Redwell and Holme Marshes produced at least seven species of Soldierfly, a stunning Deerfly and a myriad beetles and bugs - mostly thanks to Steve Lane's finding and ID skills. The only new plant in flower was Narrow-leaved Water-plantain, but the first Gatekeeper (just one seen) and Common Darters were out and about (3 seen).  The non-soldierfly highlight was undoubtedly Rhinocyllus conicus, a weevil swept from Spear Thistle on the edge of Redwell Marsh - only the third Norfolk record.

Miller, Hunstanton, 30th June 2014

Grey/Dark Dagger, 30th June 2014

Gatekeeper, Redwell Marsh, 30th June 2014

Rhynocillus conicus, Redwell Marsh, 30th June 2014: the 3rd Norfolk record !

Scallop Shell, Holme NOA, 30th June 2014

Three-lined Soldier, Oxycera trilineata, Redwell Marsh, 30th June 2014

Twin-lobed Deerfly, Chrysops relictus Baker's Carr, 30th June 2014

Cheilosia illustrata, Baker's Carr, 30th June 2014

Alder Spittlebug, Aphrophora alni, Redwell Marsh, 30th June 2014

Drak-winged Black Pachygaster atra, Redwell Marsh, 30th June 2014

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Another great June 28th !

Short-Cloaked Moth, Holme NOA, 28th June 2014

Garden Tiger, Holme NOA, 28th June 2014

Archer's Dart, Holme NOA, 28th June 2014

Scarce Footman, Holme NOA, 28th June 2014

Emerald, Holme NOA, 28th June 2014

Dark Mullein, Holme NOA, 28th June 2014

 Dark Mullein, Holme NOA, 28th June 2014

Short-Winged Conehead, Holme NWT, 28th June 2014

Wood Sage, Holme NWT, 28th June 2014

Zebra Spider, Holme NWT, 28th June 2014

Lesser Marsh Grasshopper, Holme NWT, 28th June 2014

Crow Garlic, Redwell Marsh, 28th June 2014

Field Grasshopper, Holme NOA, 28th June 2014

Sack the weather man!

We had a much longer day in the field than expected and made the most of it up and until five just before the originally stated mid morning rain set in.  The NOA moth traps as always produced some goodies including - Fenland Pearl, Scarce Footman, White-line Dart & the pretty micro Lozotaeniodes formosana.  Grasshopper & Cricket season is underway with Short-winged Conehead, Field & Mottled Grasshopper noted.  Endless sweeping brought up a new Soliderfly in the form of either Barred or Fen Snout.  Two Dune Chafers were along the coastal path along with a Black-tailed Skimmer and Andy and mines first Dark Green Fritillary of the year.  After complaining about no new birds a Hobby made a brief appearance whilst it seems Spoonbills are starting their regular appearances on the reserve.


Seaward side of the Pines seven months after the tidal serge.  Although appearing dead amongst the brown needles are fresh green ones!


Dunes Chafer?

Barred/Fen Snout

Friday, 27 June 2014

A gorgeous evening

Early morning saw a good moth catch with highlights including a Scalloped Oak and 2 Dots. A short evening stroll produced some fine plants new (for me) in flower, including Lesser Centaury, Sea Holly, Prickly Saltwort, Great Lettuce and Goatsrue. Best of all were the distant fields, brilliant lime green set against a darkening grey, thundery sky.

Dot, Hunstanton, 27th June 2014

Scalloped Oak, Hunstanton, 27th June 2014

Lesser Cantaury, Holme NWT, 27th June 2014

Sea Holly, Holme NWT, 27th June 2014

Rest Harrow, Holme NWT, 27th June 2014

Sea Spurge, Holme NWT, 27th June 2014

Sea Beet, Holme NWT, 27th June 2014

Prickly Saltwort (flower detail), Holme NWT, 27th June 2014

Grass-leaved Orache, Holme NWT, 27th June 2014

Frosted Orache, Holme NWT, 27th June 2014

Halbard-leaved Orache, Holme NWT, 27th June 2014

Goatsrue, Holme, 27th June 2014

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Hawks & Fritz

A 1st sum Spoonbill was on Redwell and then flew west in the morning, the first juv Marsh harriers of the year were on the wing from Holme marsh, the adult female was building a new nest east of the successful one, 2 Green Sandpiper, 1 at Redwell and 1 at Holme marsh.

Mass of Marsh helleborine in dunes, plus a definite Dark Green Fritillary. nice moth selection at NOA and good selection of Hawkmoths, see  glossy moth porn below!!! 

Marsh helleborine

Swallowtail moth


Eyed Hawk

Small Elephant hawk

Lime hawk moth

Empis Opaca

Moths, 24th-25th June 2014

Juniper Webber, Hunstanton, 24th June 2014

Poplar Grey, Hunstanton, 24th June 2014

The Phoenix, Hunstanton, 25th June 2014

Double Square-spot , Hunstanton, 25th June 2014

Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Hunstanton, 25th June 2014